C-4-B Breakfast Networking

Barcode Printing and Scanning
Update your current documents with barcodes, pictures and more...

  • Create new format forms or labels with barcodes and graphics labels0202
  • Customise pallet/shipping labels by Customer
  • Distribute forms over multiple printers
  • Send documents by e-mail and fax

We have the experience to apply tools to achieve ALL of the above. Whether you have a problem to resolve or looking to streamline current processes.

intermec-sp1800Add scanning, to existing data entry terminals, to make use of the barcodes created above or by encouraging suppliers to pre-barcode incoming stock. has customised solutions by using the most appropriate scanners for the environment at the right point in the process to achieve best results.

There are many suppliers of printers and scanners. With our many years experience can help you select the right specification device for the environment and processes to be improved.

Radio Frequency Devices
RF is an extremely useful tool in speeding the processing of transactions to the point at which they occur. has experience in applying both off the shelf systems and customising solutions for Manufacturing and Warehousing applications.

We have worked with several major manufacturers to identify the right devices for the intended applications and then with the users to select the most appropriate device.

Mobile Solutionsa_prod_pic_PW40[1]
Add ePOD (Electronic Proof of Delivery) to your existing systems. Capture customers signature at the point of delivery and print accurate delivery details.

Reduced accounts office work having to raise Credit Notes and/or re-invoicing.

Let the driver become more Customer focused by adding Cash Collection, Sales Order taking, Returns entry as well as Traceability information and more.

Build your own solution to ensure that your processes are accurate and timely.

Integration and Automation Solutions
Need to supplement your Business System with advanced features?
Reduce costs through simplifying processes without major bespoke changes? has experience of applying tools to provide solutions for customised production line bookings and Warehouse movements without changing the core business system.

By using the the right tools processes can be streamlined by replacing complex transactions by simple easy to use data entry screens. These screens can still be driven by barcodes but replace multiple screen entry operations that have to be keyed by a specially trained person. has experience in using this technology, with operators and shift managers, to supplement standard application transactions with customised screens that perform the right transaction for the data input.

If you would like to know more about the application of these technologies or recognise the need to apply these additional features to enhance your business solutions then please contact

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